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Rainbow Breath kids
Mindfulness and meditations for kids
Rainbow Breath
Guided Meditation
Travel through the colours of the rainbow to the land of nod.
10 minutes long

When learning meditation the first thing to learn is the power of the breath. It is fundamentally the key to meditation and mindfulness and very easy to learn.
Here is a very simple exercise you can do with your children - anywhere - treat it as a game. There is no need to sit in a quite place - do this in the car, on a walk, after dinner, in the bath or before bedtime. Simple teach them how to breath deep and count.

Savanna Sunset
Guided Meditation
If you do not have time but need to relax - then listen to this 5 minute meditation over the African savanna at sunset

Self Love
Guided Meditation
If you do not have time but need to relax - then listen to this 5 minute meditation over the African savanna at sunset
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