Rainbow Breath kids
Mindfulness and meditations for kids
Mindful Activitites
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."

Lots of children find it hard to sit still and concentrate just on their breathing, so these mindful techniques allows for a chilled moment whilst doing something in some way.
Bumble Bee Happy Jar

You will need: A jar, pen and paper
Before bed each night talk to your child about their day. Then write down any happy thoughts of the day down and place them into a jar - We call this the Bumble Bee Jar - Then when a child is feeling down or sad, you can get them to pull a happy memory from the jar.
As an added activity - decorate the jar in yellow and black stripes -
just like a bumble bee.
Penguin Skate

You will need: Pencil or pen and paper
Imagine your pencil is a penguin skating on ice and draw the figure 8 on its side, go over and over allowing the pencil to flow free.
There is nothing else to be done right now and nowhere else to be.
Blowing Bubbles

You will need: Bubbles
Have your kids focus on taking in a deep, slow breath, and exhaling steadily to fill the bubble.
Encourage them to pay close attention to the bubbles as they form, the size, colours, how they detach, and pop or float away.
Pin Wheel

You will need: Pinwheel
Have your kids focus on taking in a deep, slow breath, and exhaling steadily to power the pinwheel
Encourage them to pay close attention to how it spins, sounds, how the colours move.
Play with Balloons

You will need: Balloons
The aim of this game is to keep the balloon off the ground, but tell your children they have to move slowly and gently.
If you tell them to pretend the balloon is very fragile that helps.
Play With Ice

You will need: Ice cubes and maybe a towel
This is especially good for hot days, when being mindful is difficult.
Ask your child to run the ice over their wrists slowly and feel the coldness, and the running of the melting water. You can also run the ice over foreheads and the back of necks. It really helps to cool a hot and bothered child down (and grow-ups)
Texture Bag

You will need: A bag with small items in with various textures
Place several small, interestingly shaped and textured objects in a bag.
Ask the child to reach in and touch an object, one at a time, and describe what they are touching with out taking the object out of the bag, this encourages using their sense of touch.
Blindfold Taste

You will need: Blindfold and a selection of foods (nothing hot or spicy for children)
Pop a blindfold on the child and let them experience eating small food items as if its their first time.
Get them to describe the texture and taste. Good items to try are fruits and vegetables.